Development through Sport
Main target
The primary target group YCF have selected for this project are youth between the ages of 5 and 18. This includes youths from both the formal and non-formal sector.
Project Goal and Objectives:
Goal: To promote a Culture of Non-violence, Peace and Social Responsibility among Youths in Sub-Saharan Africa through Sports Development.
Objectives: The project seeks to achieve three (3) key strategic objectives. These are:
Critical partners are empowered to ensure the promotion of the value of sport as a tool for human development.
Build the capacity of youths to engage in civic and social responsibility (leadership, teambuilding), conflict management and Peace education;
Share lessons learned and best practices regionally.
Expected Results:
Local, national and regional capacities for utilizing sport as a vehicle for peace and development enhanced.
Capacity of youth groups in conflict management, prevention and education strengthened.