Youth Converts Foundation Canada is an organization dedicated to use the power of sport as a platform for addressing social issues. Youth Converts sport programs under the “Sport For All” umbrella will create free sport programs that will use its programs to promote education, build conflict resolution and reduce crime, teach leadership and team building skills.
Mission – To train and develop education focused athletes in Niger Delta Region.
Vision – To create athletes that are the most educational and athletically developed in Africa.
Purpose –
To develop fundamentals in athletes through proven methods to enhance skills
To use sport to build educational focus and achievement
To mentor youth into community ambassadors
To become the number one destination for total athlete development in Nigeria
PSC Core Values
Fundamentals - All athletes will place special attention to fundamental skills for success in their sport
Intensity – Our practice and competition will be approached with intensity and effort
God First – We understand that a higher power works in our lives for the greater good
Hard Work – We will work hard in everything we do – we will not cut corners
Teamwork – Our combined collaboration will guarantee success.