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Youth Converts Initiative Canada

Youth Converts Canada is a registered non profit organization registered in Ontario Canada to use the power of sport to address social issues in Canada. Youth Converts Canada is an extension of the work Youth Converts does in Africa, this work is now being implemented in Canada to improve the lives of youth in this region through the use of sport programs. Youth Converts Initiative also works to use sport for development in Africa through its collaboration with a new club - Patani Sport Club to use sport for education in the Niger Delta region. 

Youth Converts accomplishes its mission by creating sport programs for youth between the ages of 5 and 18 to address issues such as education, social responsibility, gender issues, violence, and sport development. Youth Converts creates its programs with a sport foundation then incrporates socio educational capacity building programs into these sport foundations. The sport programs in focus incluse: Basketball, Soccer, Track and Field, Boxing, Martial Arts, and Wrestling 

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